BONTOCANI. The community service carried out on Thursday, April 7 to 8 2021 in Bonto Cani district of Bone regency is the most important part of the three pillars of Indonesian higher education or usually called Tridharma. All students participated were trained before the service. The focus of the activity was introducing the Indonesian Law No. 11/2010 of Cultural Heritage The service was carried out in Bonto Cani because a lot of relics were found around the district’s cave. One of the prominent discoveries is the ancient hand painting on the surface of Leang Uhallie. Leang means cave in local language.
The department’s head Dr. Rosmawati, MA said the community service is very important to educate the community in preserving the natural heritage and how it could increase their welfare. “It already in accordance to the Law. No.11/2021 of cultural heritage,” said the Dr. Rosmawati, MA in front of the participant. Among them were Archaelogical lecture Mr Yadi Mulyadi and the district’s head Dra. Ufra Idris. The community was very excited with the community service carried out by the Archaelogical Department.